Other Montreal
$ 719/month
2 Bedrooms
Chambre prive louer dans un 4 et demie emplacement idal, station Henri-Bourassa
SVP, prendre le temps de tout lire avant de communiquer avec moi.
Bonjour! Je cherche un.e colocataire pour partager un grand 4 au premier tage dun immeuble situ dans un quartier paisible Ahuntsic, seulement 2 minutes de marche du mtro.
Lappartement est spacieux, lumineux, sera meubl et dispose dune terrasse arrire. Les lectromnagers sont inclus (micro-onde, laveuse/scheuse galement). Les espaces communs seront partags.
La chambre louer est non meuble. Elle dispose dune fentre, dune garde-robe.
Toutes les commodits se trouvent quelques minutes de marche (picerie, pharmacie, restos, parcs, bord de leau, piste cyclable, etc.)
Je suis tudiant au baccalaurat en finance. En plus de mes tudes, je travaille en tltravail dans mon domaine.
Je recherche donc une personne mature, calme, propre, respectueuse de lautre et de son intimit, capable de communiquer et cohabiter dans lharmonie. Idalement aux tudes lUniversit ou jeune professionnel.le dans la vingtaine.
Lappartement est non-fumeur (incluant tabac, cannabis, et vapotage) et il est aussi interdit de fumer sur les balcons.
Le loyer mensuel est de 719$ par mois plus les charges partager jusquau 1er Janvier 2024 et 822$ par mois plus les charges partager ensuite, payable le 1er de chaque mois, et devra tre sign jusquau 30 juin 2025. Des rfrences seront exiges (derniers propritaires et employeur).
Si vous tes intress.e, contactez moi. Je rpondrai ceux et celles qui auront pris le temps de se prsenter et dont le profil correspond la description mentionne plus haut. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer!
PS. : Lappartement nest pas encore meubl car je viens de signer le bail mais le sera sous peu. Si tas des ides de dco ou damnagement je suis ouvert!
(English version will follow)
Private Room for Rent in a 4 Ideal Location, Near Henri-Bourassa Station
Please take the time to read everything before contacting me.
Hello! I am looking for a roommate to share a large 4 on the first floor of a building located in a peaceful neighborhood in Ahuntsic, just a 2-minute walk from the metro.
The apartment is spacious, bright, will be furnished, and has a back terrace. Appliances are included (microwave, washer/dryer as well). Common areas will be shared.
The room for rent is unfurnished. It has a window and a closet.
All amenities are within a few minutes walk (grocery store, pharmacy, restaurants, parks, waterfront, bike path, etc.).
I am an undergraduate student in finance. In addition to my studies, I work remotely in my field.
I am therefore looking for a mature, calm, clean person who respects others and their privacy, is capable of communicating, and can live harmoniously. Ideally a university student or a easy going professional in their twenties.
The apartment is non-smoking (including tobacco, cannabis, and vaping), and smoking is also prohibited on the balconies.
The monthly rent is $719 plus shared utilities until January 1, 2024, and $822 plus shared utilities thereafter, payable on the 1st of each month. The lease must be signed until June 30, 2025. References will be required (previous landlords and employer).
If you are interested, please contact me. I will respond to those who have taken the time to introduce themselves and whose profile matches the description above. Looking forward to meeting you!
PS.: The apartment is not yet furnished because I just signed the lease, but it will be soon. If you have any decoration or arrangement ideas, Im open!
Property Details
Listing ID 4746241Apartment for Rent
Furnished Rental
2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom
Total Sq ft: 1500
$ 719/monthNo Security Deposit
Start: 07/15/2024 (flexible)Lease Term: Minimum 1 Year
Renew: Yes
Summer: No
More Rentals
Rentals from this OwnerAmenities
- High Speed internet
- Cable
Air conditioning
Credit Application
Laundry in building
Utilities included
Not Included
ParkingPets OKHandicapped accessDoormanSmoker OKElevatorBroker fee