Gatineau Area

$ 1583/month

House for Rent


1.0 Bathroom

Furn or Unfurn Rental


Suite offers: / Commodits de lappartement

A/C & Heating/Climatisation et Chauffage
Window blinds/ rideaux de fentres
Five stainless steel appliances + stainless steel kitchen range hood/ lectromnagers en acier inoxydable + hotte de cuisine en acier inoxydable
9-feet ceilings/Plafonds de 9 pieds
Fireplace/ Foyer dambiance
Suite includes Basic Internet & Cable package/ Forfait Internet et cble de base *Please see on-site office for more details*/*Veuillez consulter le bureau sur place pour plus de dtails*
Property offers:/ Commodits de la proprit

Pet wash station/ Station de lavage pour animaux de compagnie
Shared rooftop terrace with BBQ/ Terrasse commune sur le toit avec barbecue
Underground parking/Stationnement souterrain
Fully Equipped Fitness room/ Salle de sport entirement quipe
Swimming Pool + Sauna/ Piscine extrieure + sauna
Golf Simulator/Simulateur de Golf
Your community offers:/ Information sur votre communaut

Walking distance to Central Park/ quelque pas de parc Central
8 Minute drive from Ottawa/ 8 minutes en voiture dOttawa
Proximity to public transit, schools, and public library/ Proximit des transports en commun, des coles et de la bibliothque municipale
Close to AGORA urban village/ Proche du village urbain AGORA
Biking paths, walking trails, and community gardens/ Pistes cyclables, sentiers pour la promenade et jardins communautaires

Property Details

Listing ID 4753001
House for Rent
Furnished or Unfurnished Rental
Studio, 1.0 Bathroom
Total Sq ft: 500
$ 1583/month
No Security Deposit
rue de latmosphere
Start: 02/01/2025 (flexible)
Lease Term: Minimum 1 Year
Renew: Yes
Summer: No 
More Rentals
Rentals from this Sublease


  • Parking
  • High Speed internet
  • Pets OK
  • Cable
  • acAir conditioning
  • Credit AppCredit Application
  • Handicapped access
  • Doorman
  • Smoker OK
  • elevatorElevator
  • laundryLaundry in building
  • utilitiesUtilities included
Not Included
  • Broker fee
